Group-wide Initiatives

G8 Initiatives

Environmental initiatives for the entire Ushio Group utilize the individuality of each Group company while at the same time working in a united yet independent management style towards achievement of targets.
One of these initiatives was the formulation of the Eight Items for Enhanced Group Environmental Governance (G8). This provides a common direction for the entire Group.
Underneath the SR Committee, issue-specific committees promote initiatives at the worksite level. Group companies participate in these, depending on their theme, sharing information and raising awareness between them to increase the overall level of the Group’s environmental activities.

Eight Items for Enhanced Group Environmental Governance (G8)

1.Environmental activities shall be conducted by all Group companies

2.The Ushio Environmental Action Plan shall apply to all Group companies

3.Environmental activities shall be based on ISO standards or an independent Environmental Management System (EMS)

4.Environmental communication shall be coordinated and conducted through UGN

5.UGN members shall be asked to submit environmental impact figures to ECO-SYS

6.The implementation status of environmental activities shall be verified by internal audits

7.Environmental performance figures, environmental accounting and other environmental data shall be disclosed

8.Group environmental production activities shall be supported

Formulated in February 2005

Revised in June 2015

Status of Acquisition of Environmental Management System

Employees at business sites that had acquired ISO 14001 represented 97.5% of all employees in our group located in Japan. Regard with worldwide employees at business sites that had acquired the ISO represent 88.2%.

Payment of Environment-Related Penalties

Ushio has never been involved in a violation or other offense in relation to any environment-related law or regulation.