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Newly-appointed Outside Directors

Outside Director, Sakie T. Fukushima

Outside Director, Sakie T. Fukushima

For over 30 years, I have worked at solving problems for foreign-affiliated and Japanese companies at a consultant services company that advises on the management strategy and human resources strategy of foreign-owned companies. At the same time, I have served as an internal director of a foreign-affiliated company at its global headquarters for 12 years and as an outside director at nine Japanese companies from 2001, and I have helped with the development of corporate governance at Japanese companies. I came to believe that the essence of good management is to have an unshakeable corporate philosophy along with human resources that act as an "iron fist in a velvet glove" to cope flexibly with change while maintaining this philosophy.

In the niche market of optical technologies, USHIO maintains a large global market share. Furthermore, I believe that USHIO is providing solutions to the problems of society and other companies through applied optical technologies.

In the future, while learning about the businesses of USHIO, I would like to fully understand its corporate strategy and, to the best of my ability, contribute as much as possible in areas related to governance and human resources strategies.


Jun. 1980 Joined Braxton International
Sep. 1987 Joined Bain & Company, Inc.
Aug. 1991 Joined Korn/Ferry International-Japan
May 1995 Director, Korn/Ferry International
Sep. 2000 Regional Managing Director, Korn/Ferry International-Japan
Jul. 2001 President and Representative Director, Korn/Ferry International-Japan
May 2009 Chairman & Representative Director, Korn/Ferry International-Japan
Mar. 2010 Outside Director, Bridgestone Corporation (incumbent)
Jul. 2010 President & Representative Director, G&S Global Advisors Inc. (incumbent)
Jun. 2011 Outside Director, Ajinomoto Co., Inc. (incumbent)
May 2012 Outside Director, J. Front Retailing Co., Ltd. (incumbent)

Outside Director, Audit and Supervisory Committee Member, Nobuyoshi Yamaguchi

Outside Director, Audit and Supervisory Committee Member Nobuyoshi Yamaguchi

I have worked for financial institutions or in related operations for 38 years, and currently serve as an outside director at two other companies. In that time, I have been in charge of market sectors, and overseas, inspection, trust, and real estate businesses. At the same time, I was able to make contact with a large number of clients. In the course of these activities, I came to realize that for the sustained growth of a company, a vibrant organization that possesses effective governance and diversity is needed above all else.

USHIO has been providing solutions while creating many products that possess top shares of the global market in a variety of fields that incorporate light. USHIO will naturally seek to enhance its superiority at each stage of "creating light," "using light," and "manipulating light," but we will also work to provide new solutions in the world of light through the cooperation of all departments. We hope that the result will be the understanding that the existence of Ushio is indispensable for society.

Looking ahead, expectations for USHIO are greater than ever before, but at the same time it seems that the pace of change in the market is accelerating. Although it seems that USHIO has almost reached a satisfactory level of achievement for each of its basic strategies, in the future I hope to contribute to USHIO's next stage of advancement by sharing the direction we should proceed as indicated by management and the business execution departments, together with my own thoughts.

I want to take full advantage of my experience to contribute to USHIO's capability of responding to the new challenges and changes facing it, along with its movement toward the next level of achievement.


Apr. 1977 Joined The Kyowa Bank, Ltd. (currently Resona Bank, Ltd.)
Jun. 2003 Executive Officer, Resona Bank, Ltd.
Jun. 2010 Director and Senior Managing Executive Officer, Resona Bank, Ltd.
Apr. 2013 Representative Director, Resona Card Co., Ltd.
Jun. 2014 Outside Director, NAKABAYASHI CO., LTD. (incumbent)
Apr. 2015 Senior Director, TOKYO KANTEI Co., Ltd.
Dec. 2015 Outside Director, S・K・I. CORPORATION (incumbent)