Business Segment Introduction

In order for our value deliver path, light solution, to cultivate social value, we compose our business segments based on the market-centric approach, such as Industrial Processes Business, Visual Imaging Business and Life Sciences Business.

Vision 2030


Promote the use of light as illumination and energy to
support human well-being and societal growth


Become a “light” solutions company

Grow the economic value of Ushio by expanding social value

Business Areas


Industrial Process

Comfort / Convenience

Ushio's light technology is used to adjust to innovation of manufacturing processes for semiconductors and LCDs

  • Digitally connected society
  • Manufacturing technology innovations and environmental impact reductions
Value proposition areas

• Semiconductors, electronic devices, and displays • Electric vehicles • Building materials, printing, and other manufacturing processes


Visual Imaging

Excitement / Sharing

Use light to capitivate by movie, projection mapping and etc., bring excitement to people

  • Societies that prioritize human well-being
  • Reevaluation of premium experiences outside homes
Value proposition areas

• Large-scale video production and operations for entertainment spaces (theme parks, cinemas, and live events) • Public facilities, corporate control rooms, and video systems


Life Science

Safe / Reassurance

Use light for environmental hygine, medical equipment, plant growth and etc. to realize sustainable society

  • Climate change
  • Food and energy issues
  • Rising and aging populations
  • Quality of life improvements
Value proposition areas

• Climate change measures • Extend healthy life expectancies (from environmental hygiene, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and drug development) • Address food shortages