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“Cleaning and Modification System“ search result
Product name
Product description
Main applications and fields
Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Irradiation Device
Easier dry cleaning
We have developed an Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Irradiation Device that combines our own reactor structure with the high-frequency power supply technology cultivated for excimer lamps.
Excimer lamps/Excimer irradiation unit
Excimer VUV light is the very high-energy light generated by lamps containing noble gases or noble-gas hydride compounds.
Externally applying high-energy electrons to a sealed lamp containing a noble gas or noble gas hydride compound generates intense plasma discharge (dielectric barrier discharge). This plasma features high-energy electron content, and can be extinguished instantly. The plasma discharge instantly excites the atoms of the discharge gas (noble gas) to their excimer (Xe) state (high-energy orbital atoms form excimer excited molecules). The excimer-specific spectrum is emitted when atoms return from this excimer state to their original condition (ground state). This emission is called VUV light.
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