Enhancing corporate value through the disclosure of non-financial information
My conviction as the Chief Sustainability Officer
Connect to stakeholders globally
Aim for ESG management unique to Ushio
Provide real ESG value that is supported, shared and understood
The importance of ESG management is increasing amid the need to balance economic value and social value, and we established the ESG Promotion Headquarters in 2022 with the aim of promoting this form of management. Under the motto of "building connections on a global scale," the Ushio Group as a whole is promoting ESG management globally in two ways: increasing internal engagement, mainly targeting employees and other internal stakeholders, and increasing external engagement, which deepens relationships with stakeholders outside the company. We believe that the significance of increasing engagement lies in maximizing corporate value by improving both financial and non-financial value from a global perspective.
In this context, the Sustainability Promotion Division incorporates data science to analyze each data point related to engagement and quantitatively set KPIs enabling "data-driven" decision-making.
Ushio has written a value creation story that enables both sustainable growth and the resolution of social issues though its business, and we aim to be a company that is chosen by institutional investors who have a high level of interest in sustainable corporate value including ESG investment and similar areas. We promise to make the most of our ESG management with an emphasis on "Ushio’s uniqueness."
Director Managing Executive Officer
Vice president COO & CSuO,
Ushio Inc.