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LED Chip / Package
Ushio owns production process from Epitaxial to Package process to supply reliable LD/LED products for industrial market.
From Violet to Red to Infrared, Ushio can propose the best device to your application from our wider variety of wavelength,
power and packaging selection.
Xenon short arc lamps (~500W)
These xenon short arc lamps are high-intensity point light sources filled with xenon gas, having a continuous spectrum similar to daylight in the visible to infrared range: an excellent light source for accurate color rendering. These lamps are used as light sources for spectroscopy, microscopy, solar simulators and various types of inspections.
Compact xenon lamp
Ushio's UXR™ series xenon lamps have been developed based on our proprietary optimized design, using ceramic and sapphire as primary components to provide excellent resistance to impact and pressure. Major lamp features are compact size and light weight, with an integrated mirror to efficiently extract the exceptional color rendering properties of the light while eliminating the need for troublesome optical axis alignment.
Also, Ushio's proprietary sapphire window structure makes possible lamp replacement without interruption.