Message from the CEO

Chief Executive Officer

To be a company
that everyone can count on

Since our founding in 1964, we have been providing unique technologies, products, and services as a light innovation company by elucidating and giving shape to the functions and applications of light. 
In addition, Ushio's management philosophy, "Contribute to society through superior products and innovative research and development," reflects the modern concept of ESG/sustainability management. We will continue to strive for sustainable development in order to realize the aspirations embodied in this management philosophy.

Our new growth strategy, "Revive Vision 2030," which we adopted in May 2024, also places ESG management at the center of our corporate activities. With regard to our materiality (material issues), which is based on sustainability and ESG management, and our "Five Management Focuses," we continue to set KPIs for each issue with an eye to realizing our goals for 2030 and managing our progress.

We are determined to continue striving to be "a company that everyone can count on" as the light innovation company that solves social issues. At the same time, we aspire to be a company that supports the happiness of people, including our employees, and the development of society. With those aims in mind, we will continue to work sincerely on ESG management and strive even harder to enhance our corporate value and achieve sustainable growth.

President and Chief Executive Officer,
Ushio Inc.

Takabumi Asahi