Optics Communications Volume 475, 15 November 2020, 126270
Short-length CW laser of Nd3+ heavily doped single-mode silica glass fiber fabricated by zeolite method
Yu Yamasaki a, b, Takayuki Hiraishi a , Yoshio Kagebayashi a ,Kana Fujioka c , Yasushi Fujimoto b , c
a Ushio Inc., 1194, Sazuchi, Bessho-cho, Himeji City, Hyogo, 671-0224, Japan
b Chiba Institute of Technology, 2-17-1 Tsudanuma, Narashino City, Chiba, 275-0016, Japan
c Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, 2-6 Yamada-oka, Suita City, Osaka, 565-0871, Japan
Nd3+高濃度添加シングルモード石英ガラスファイバー(Nd-SMF)を用いて,長さ40 mmの短尺共振器CWレーザーの構築に成功した。Nd-SMFのコアガラスは,ゼオライト法を用いて作製し,そのNd2O3 添加濃度は1.25 wt.%に達した。レーザーの最大出力は19.7 mW に達し,そのスロープ効率とレーザー発振閾値における808nm励起光強度は,それぞれ 14.6% と 22.0 mW であった。共振器の短尺化は,レーザーの小型化に加え,パルス発振化した場合,容易に数GHz以上の高繰り返し化を実現可能とする.
We have successfully constructed a short cavity CW laser with a length of 40 mm by using Nd3+ heavily doped single-mode silica glass fiber (Nd-SMF). The Nd-SMF core glass was fabricated by the zeolite method, and Nd2O3 density werw reached 1.25 wt.%. The maximum output power of the laser reached 19.7 mW. Its slope efficiency was 14.6% . The shortening of the laser cavity makes it possible to easily achieve a high repetition rate, several GHz or more.
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