Transactions of The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging(Trans JIEP)
Result of Highly Accelerated Stress Test of Organic Substrate Made by Integrated Dry Process
PLOS ONE Published: August 12, 2020
Exploratory clinical trial on the safety and bactericidal effect of 222-nm ultraviolet C irradiation in healthy humansJDS:VOLUME 101, ISSUE 2, P138-140, FEBRUARY,2021
Ultraviolet A1 phototherapy utilizing ultraviolet light-emitting diodes and a short wavelength cutoff filterwiley.onlinelibrary :Special Issue Research Article:Photochemistry and Photobiology
Re-Evaluation of Rat Corneal Damage by Short-Wavelength UV Revealed Extremely Less Hazardous Property of Far-UV-CELSEVIER:Optics Communications Volume 475, 15 November 2020, 126270
Short-length CW laser of Nd3+ heavily doped single-mode silica glass fiber fabricated by zeolite method
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Optical properties of Er3+ heavily doped silica glass fabricated by zeolite method
Biomedical Materials, Volume 16, Number 3,2021
Cyclo olefin polymer-based solvent-free mass-productive microphysiological systems
Wiley Online Library:Physica. Status Solidi a2019
Broadband Ultraviolet Emission from 2D Arrays of AlGaN Microstructures Grown on the Patterned AlN Templates