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Functional Materials search result

Product name Product description Main applications and fields Wavelength
Photo alignment UV irradiation equipment Ushio's photo-alignment technology makes full use of advanced polarization and optical and mechanical design technologies, enabling us to propose optimal systems to our customers. We have optical components that are optimal for various material sensitivities, including 254, 313 and 365 nm. Our systems are also characterized by high exposure and highly uniform irradiation with high-power input.We propose systems that suit customers' work, from small to large.
UV-LED Irradiation Units Speedy Curing Smart Energy Saving UV Irradiation Units provide the illuminance and cumulative exposure required to replace conventional UV lamp systems, while improving usability such as by longer life, lower power consumption, instant on/off, and less heating of the irradiated object. In addition, Ushio's UV-LED Irradiation Units promise to solve all kinds of customer problems with its "9" unique technologies.
Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Irradiation Device Easier dry cleaning We have developed an Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Irradiation Device that combines our own reactor structure with the high-frequency power supply technology cultivated for excimer lamps.
Excimer lamps/Excimer irradiation unit Excimer lamps/Excimer irradiation unit Excimer VUV light is the very high-energy light generated by lamps containing noble gases or noble-gas hydride compounds. Externally applying high-energy electrons to a sealed lamp containing a noble gas or noble gas hydride compound generates intense plasma discharge (dielectric barrier discharge). This plasma features high-energy electron content, and can be extinguished instantly. The plasma discharge instantly excites the atoms of the discharge gas (noble gas) to their excimer (Xe) state (high-energy orbital atoms form excimer excited molecules). The excimer-specific spectrum is emitted when atoms return from this excimer state to their original condition (ground state). This emission is called VUV light. * * * * For inquiries regarding "222 nm ultraviolet (UV-C) light antibacterial and viral inactivation device," please contact : Sales Department, XEFL BU, Light Source Business Division TEL: +81-3-5657-1016 / E-Mail:
Spot UV irradiation units Spot Cure® Series UV Irradiation Unit “SP-LED-3” LED Spot Irradiation Unit that pursues “low cost,” “ease of use,” and “no mercury.” Head types are available from Φ3mm to Φ10mm, enabling irradiation to the required areas.
Light source unit for inspection illumination Optical Modulex Light source unit for inspection illumination Optical Modulex Equipped with a high-intensity UV lamp, it provides high-precision collimated irradiation indispensable for inspection tasks. The desk-type light source unit has a track record of actual results for over 15 years as ideal for visual inspection of glass, film and lenses (and is the inspection light source recommended by the Glass Manufacturer's Association).
UniCube M Series UniCube M Series 
UV LED light source for batch irradiation
The UniCube series offers breakthrough performance for batch irradiation. It is the world’s first LED module that can irradiate areas from 50 x 50 mm to 400 x 400 mm in a single batch. Ushio’s unique four-way coupling technology achieves high intensity, which in turn enables uniform curing of the entire area. This results in stable manufacturing processes and improved product quality. In addition, the UniCube series is characterized by its easy maintenance and long-lasting, stable performance.
UV Irradiance Meter UIT-201 UV irradiance meter UIT-201 The Unimeter series was developed based on our experience and expertise as a manufacturer of optical equipment. These compact optical measuring instruments are genuinely easy-to-use from the user's standpoint. These compact UV meters are used to manage the intensity of a range of instruments, including irradiation systems, as well as UV curing, cleansing and sterilizing systems. ■ Troubleshooting is Here (requires member registration)
Accumulated UV Meter UIT-250 Accumulated UV meter UIT-250 The Unimeter series was developed based on our experience and expertise as a manufacturer of optical equipment. These compact optical measuring instruments are genuinely easy-to-use from the user's standpoint. These compact UV meters are used to manage the intensity of a range of instruments, including irradiation systems, as well as UV curing, cleansing and sterilizing systems. ■ Troubleshooting is Here (requires member registration)
Super-thin palm top UV Irradiance Meter UIT-θLED Super-thin palm top UV irradiance meter UIT-θSeries This wireless LED-dedicated irradiance meter is only 4.9 mm thick. Measures optical film coatings, adhesion of precision optical parts and lenses, and UV printing processes between light source and object even in hard-to-reach locations. ■ Operating Manual and Troubleshooting are Here (requires member registration)
Spectro-Reflectance Meter URE-50 Spectro-reflectance meter URE-50 Instantly measures spectral reflectance (from ultraviolet to near-infrared) of surfaces with up to ±R50 mm curvature as well as of flat surfaces. Despite their compact size, Ushio's unique measurement instruments support measurement of large products. ■ Operating Manual and Troubleshooting are Here (requires member registration)
Spectro-Radiometer USR-45 Series Spectral radiometer USR-45 Series Ushio's irradiance meters can measure absolute values based on the photometric standard lamp established by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. Measures a broad range of bands including UV, visible and infrared light, and various light sources such as steady, flashing and LED lights ■ Operating Manual and Troubleshooting are Here (requires member registration)
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