Occupational Safety and Health

Commitment to Health and Safety

Ushio Inc. actively advances occupational safety and health initiatives in alignment with its comprehensive policy dedicated to occupational safety and health. Our occupational safety and health policy is crafted to safeguard the well-being of all individuals engaged in work at our locations. This includes our employees, encompassing directors, staff, contractors, temporary employees, and part-time workers, as well as external contractors and subcontractors who perform tasks on our premises.

Employee Health and Safety Measures

Ushio Inc. has implemented systems for the management of safety and health that are optimized for the conditions of each business site. At each business site, Ushio has assigned expert staff as required by law, such as industrial physicians and fire prevention managers, established occupational health and safety committees, set up subcommittees consisting of specialists, and taken initiatives to address work-related risks. Ushio's Business Auditing Department conducts assessments of occupational health and safety. A system has been put in place so that matters of concern that arise from these assessments are reported to top management through the Compliance Committee, which is chaired by a member of the Board of Directors.

Work-related Accident Prevention and Safety Initiatives

Ushio Inc. is committed to achieving zero work-related accidents by 2030. We conduct regular "safety patrols" several times a year, including patrols at each business site as part of internal audits, and identifies potential risks that could lead to serious injuries and illnesses and takes preventive measures.
Throughout our operations, Ushio Inc. has maintained a record of no fatalities or serious accidents impacting human life.

When introducing new equipment, a thorough safety risk assessment is conducted, evaluating not only its effectiveness but also determining its suitability for implementation. Subsequent safety measures are implemented as per the assessment results, with periodic reviews carried out in accordance with established rules and standards for operation. Communication of these safety measures is integral, ensuring that all relevant parties are informed to prevent work-related accidents. In the procurement of new chemical substances for onsite use, risk assessments are diligently conducted, and purchases are limited to those for which necessary safety measures have been implemented. For existing chemical substances, we perform risk checks and usage surveys every six months, complemented by internal audits that assess rule awareness and adherence to operational standards.

Information about the total number of occupational safety training sessions (foreman training) conducted at each business division, as well as the implementation status is shown below.

Occupational Safety Training Sessions (Foreperson Training)

(Unit: persons) FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total 50 22 37 44 63
Training conducted at 2 divisions
(Harima and Gotemba)
31 0 22 0 0
Training to new employees
(Ushio Inc.)
19 22 15 44 63

Emergency Action Plan

We have implemented safety measures to prepare for potential flooding, earthquakes, and other disasters caused by recent typhoons and heavy rainfall.
At the Gotemba Division, we conducted drills using the scenario of an earthquake with a seismic intensity of 6 lower or higher.
An earthquake with a seismic intensity of 6 lower may result in all fire doors unlocking and closing, even if there is no fire, and in the event of a fire, the fire shutters may close in addition to the fire doors. In preparation for such a situation, we closed fire doors and shutters to create an extraordinary emergency situation where only one person could pass, and we conducted a drill to evacuate employees and notify the local fire department.

Building Good Industrial Relations

Ushio Inc. provides regular opportunities for management and labor representatives to come together for discussions for the purpose of fostering smooth industrial relations and business activities. As a result, periodical explanations are given to the labor union regarding subjects such as business plans and results and main organizational revisions. Labor and management work together in a unified fashion to strive to improve the workplace environment and to build good industrial relations.