Focus 1. Creating Businesses with Greater Social Value

Definition of Management Focus

At the moment, there are strong calls for corporations to fulfill their social responsibilities.
Under these circumstances, we believe our mission is to put the light technologies that we have cultivated as a light innovation company to use in resolving the issues facing society in the future.
To date, the criteria we used to determine the direction for the Company centered on the perspectives of profit and whether we are able to reach that direction on our own accord. However, we now understand that social issues have the same level of significance as market scale, and we will therefore change our criteria to focus on how we can contribute to even larger social issues. By doing so, we will support human well-being and societal growth.

Vision for FY2030
  • Create businesses that address the social issues of climate change countermeasures, food initiatives, healthy life expectancy extension, and realizing DX
Targets for FY2025
  • R&D structure that constantly generates new value, with some themes on track for commercialization
Specific Initiatives for FY2023 to FY2025
  • Enhancement and acceleration of business creation actions, including selection and concentration