
Moving toward Vision 2030

Vision for FY2030

Ushio formulated a new Medium-Term Management Plan to serve as a road map toward accomplishing our long-term Vision for 2030 (Vision 2030). This plan comprises three pillars—management policies, shifts in approach, and changes in mindsets. In addition, we have formulated the "Five Management Focuses," representing important issues based on our ESG management to realize Vision 2030, and we are managing progress by setting KPIs for each with an eye toward 2030. Although the term "ESG" began to be recognized and more widely used around 2010, since its founding in 1964, Ushio has pursued the concept of ESG management, including valuing human capital, contributing to society, and fulfilling corporate social responsibilities, as expressed in our Management Philosophy. Therefore, ESG management represents the very policy for realizing Ushio’s Management Philosophy.
Going forward, we will continue embracing ESG management to achieve Vision 2030.


Shifts in Approach and Changes in Mind-sets

A major element of the new Medium-Term Management Plan is its focus on shifting the emphasis of Group management from autonomy to solidarity to improve management efficiency. Tasks needing to be addressed to successfully complete this shift mainly include installing IT infrastructure, globalizing human resource and business activities, and enhancing corporate governance. While enacting the newly defined basic policies and the Five Management Focuses, we will manage KPIs to ensure that we can effectively address these tasks.
Furthermore, we intend to promote changes in mind-sets among management and all other employees to guarantee that our plans can contribute to long-term improvements in Ushio’s corporate value.

Shifts in Approach and Changes in Mind-sets

Targets and Actual Results

We formulated the Five Management Focuses as important issues for Ushio to enhance its value as a company on a daily basis while working to resolve social issues over the long term. We used backcasting to set KPIs for 2030, and are now steadily implementing each initiative.

Five Management Focuses—Important Issues for ESG Management